Sentier du Portalas
in Bonnieux
1h 15min
A magical immersion in the cedar forest, wandering the heart ofthe scrubland and panoramic contemplation on the south of the Luberon ...
« I love the contrast between the cedars which by their size and beauty, releasea sense of calm and peace, and the herbaceous vegetation in open areas of the summit’s plateau so dry and windy. The view from Portalas allows you to see the south side of the Petit Luberon and its valley bottoms of holm oaks. Lastly, the nearby rocky areas are home to several species of raptors. Let's just say lots of excitement! ». Laurent Michel, botanist at the RNP of Luberon. -
Find the details of the trail to download on http://www.cheminsdesparcs.fr/
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- 110 meters of difference in height
- Start altitude : 703 m
- End altitude : 703 m
- Maximum altitude : 714 m
- Minimum altitude : 626 m
- Total positive elevation : 110 m
- Total negative elevation : -110 m
- Max positive elevation : 25 m
- Min positive elevation : -26 m
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